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Real Tea For Real People
nothing fake,
nothing hidden
We believe that good tea comes from good ingredients - ingredients that grow in sunshine and soil, not in labs. This is why we are committed to never using artificial or “natural” flavorings. There is simply too much beauty and flavor in the world, and too much joy in pursuing and finding it. To forego that journey and settle for a substitution results in a tea - and a life! - that just isn’t as full or as true as it could be. We want the journey and the truth, and we think they’re worth the trouble. As part of this pursuit, we create teas that are hand-blended with the best nature has to provide. Teas that are worth creating. Teas worth sharing.
why tea?

Because (good) tea tastes great! It is very versatile, delicious both hot or iced, sweet or unsweet. It is great for your health, and a perfect companion as part a healthy lifestyle. It promotes contemplation, relaxation and also camaraderie between friends.
Tea is one of the oldest and most popular drinks known to man. In 1865, William Gladstone, the British Prime Minister, summed tea up well: "If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are too hot, it will cool you. If you are depressed, it will cheer you. If you are excited, it will calm you."
why loose leaf?

There is usually a huge difference in quality and flavor. Loose full leaf tea gives a much broader, deeper, and more nuanced flavor. It's like going from black and white to color, from mono to stereo.
Loose tea also gives you more flexibility and control in making the perfect cup, pot, press, or pitcher of tea since you're able to adjust the amount of tea per ounces of water.
Finally, loose tea simply helps you slow down and be more connected with nature. It is beautiful, both dry and as it unfurls while it steeps in the water.
why chad's chai?

Chad's Chai is intentionally a small family of teas, each one a work of art, each one chosen and crafted with patience and care. Chad's Chai means:
Balanced flavors. We celebrate the tea at the center unlike many that just throw a bunch of flavor on top.
Authenticity. Never anything artificial or even ambiguous "natural flavors."
Easy to follow instructions, special recipes, and a wonderful community of tea lovers.